🌹Aura Reading Retreat Level 1 – Healing and Self-Knowledge 🌹 [ONLINE]

Get ready! This is an invitation to self-knowledge and transformation! In Aura Reading Retreat Level 1, you will learn the techniques of general aura reading, knowledge about energy, the chakras and the information contained in the layers of the aura.

This course is for all people who are interested in the necessary human transformation through the expansion of consciousness. These days are a gateway to a universe of reconnection with your intuition and inner truth through healing experiences, energy cleansing and the Aura Reading tool itself.

You will learn techniques to connect with your own essence and the essence of another person through clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and other senses. Through this conversation that is Aura Reading, we capture important information for the process of growth and transformation of the person being read.

This is a powerful tool for seeing our truth, because everything in our lives happens from an energetic dynamic and, when we see and understand this dynamic, we can act on it or change it with awareness.

You will learn Rose Meditation levels 1, 2 and 3, which are the basis of Aura Reading and completely transform your energy field.

There will be 2 days of Rose Meditation, 9 days of Aura Reading Classes and Training – where everyone will have the opportunity to practice and receive aura readings – and one week of Bonus Classes!! All these activities will be guided by experienced teachers.


The path for those who want to use Aura Reading as a professional tool includes an initial retreat like this one, but requires at least two years’ training and follow-up with the Aura School.

Therapist training involves taking part in more Auras 1, 2 and 3, as well as the long term presence in supervision classes, reading training, and close monitoring of the personal development process.


For those who want to open up their intuition and start communicating with their inner truth in a simple way,
For those who want to get in touch more deeply with their potential and the strength to make their dreams come true,
For those who want to identify negative behaviors and patterns that interfere with their life and well-being,
For those who want to learn how to read their own aura and use this self-knowledge tool constantly.

You will leave this course knowing how to read auras according to the technique taught by the School of the Aura, being able to use it for your own benefit and growth.


Rose Meditation Levels 1, 2 and 3
Aura Reading Initiation
Self-reading (ability to read your own aura)
Healing Past Lives
What we manifest in matter as a reflection of what is within us
Universal Laws and Hermetic Principles
Meditations and experiences
Inner confidence
Our insecurities and illusory needs
Past traumas and the discovery of our inner wounded child
Masks and fears that prevent happiness
Ego vs. inner truth,
Unraveling Guilt
Love energy and universal healing
Human love vs. divine love
The power of the word,
Universal Laws and how to manifest in this dimension,
Programming/rooted illusory beliefs,
Love, forgiveness, gratitude and acceptance.

* The themes worked on and the program can vary according to the needs of the group of participants.

*To know know more: +5511996330135 – Dara Ayoub (whatsapp)*

Turma Início: 13 setembro, 2024
Inscrições abertas até 16 setembro, 2024
Início: 13 setembro, 2024
Encerramento: 22 setembro, 2024
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